Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Agricultural Engineer

That's what I am. Really. So is Pluto Boy. So though my days right now mostly flow toward home and homeschooling, crafts, - that sort of thing, now and again PB and I have a conversation that is right geeky. He came home one day with this little booklet for some material being used on an engineering project that involved him in his role in city government. He was excited about it. I was, at the time, distracted with, oh, maybe refereeing a couple of little girls, making the spaghetti - that sort of thing - and didn't pay it much attention.

But this morning at 6, I kissed him bye-bye and took up this booklet and idly flipped through it, and ... the geek in me kicked in. No, I didn't read it cover to cover, but my heart kind of thrilled to the idea of a "design hydrologic event" and diagrams with arrows.

I mean, only an engineer, albeit one only practicing occasionally, can label a post like this "Just for Fun."

Lately, my posts have been rather quick and light. I have a couple of deeper posts in the works, and I look forward to sharing them. Later. Maybe much later. I should join that Procrastinator Posse.


Unknown said...

ha ha ha!!! yeah, me too. LOL! Love your geekiness. sometimes I read really whacked stuff just for fun. when I get a moment to read that is...

crispy said...

I think it is neat that you guys are in the same field of interest. Both very smart and bright and your daughter sure got that from you two.

Looking forward to your deeper posts.

Anonymous said...

Are you seriously an agricultural engineer? It wouldn't surprise me-I could tell from your comments at Science Geeks, Jr. that you are very scientifically-minded.

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